News Balls Charity

About us

Vienna club Association is founded on 11.10.1995 at the Austrian Embassy as a voluntary non-political organization.

Its main purposes are unification of persons who are linked or interested in the Republic of Austria and Austrian culture in Bulgaria and popularizing Bulgaria and Bulgarian culture in Austria. The Vienna Club arranges exhibitions, concerts, balls, book promotions and literary readings and other cultural events in accordance with its activity.

One of the goals of the Vienna club is the arrangement of charity Vienna balls in Sofia. Charity Vienna balls have been organized in Sofia since 1996.

The First Vienna Ball in Sofia was organized by the Austrian Ambassy. After interruption of several years the organization of the Vienna balls was entrusted to Vienna Club Association.

The Vienna balls are named in that way because they include the obligatory elements, typical of the balls, which are organized during the Fashing (carnival period). They are opened by “debutants”, ladies are given presents, classic and modern dances are danced and a charity lottery is run.

The Vienna ball in Sofia is under the patronage of the Austrian Ambassador in Bulgaria and a prominent Bulgarian politician invited by him. Diplomats, ministers, deputies, businessmen and cultural figures attend the event.